PICEM (Pietermaritzburg Inner City Evangelistic Mission)
This mission is comprised of four churches and Scripture Union, an evangelistic youth organisation which ministers in the schools of our city, Pietermaritzburg. PICEM is housed in the first Baptist Church buildings, which were erected in the early 19th century.
Charles Haddon Spurgeon had a significant part to play in these early beginnings. His congregation bought the land and the church-planting pastors were brought to Pietermaritzburg under his guidance. Spurgeon's commitment to sound Biblical Preaching and evangelism epitomises the core values of PICEM's collective ministry, which stands on the Inerrancy, Infallibility, Authority and Sufficiency of Scripture.
On the morning of Easter Saturday, members of the PICEM team walked the streets of Pietermaritzburg's inner city, distributing the Gospels of John to passers-by. Where the opportunity afforded it, the conversation focused on sharing the Gospel with those who wished to chat.
About 1400 Gospels were distributed. Praise God. Please pray that our efforts in evangelism will bear much fruit for His Glory.
Trevor and Mally Eayrs