Marilyn Eayrs - Servant-hearted woman of God
This Women’s Month, Macedonian Ministries is celebrating the God-fearing women who embody strength and have the passion to take the Gospel to the ends of the earth. We especially want to honour a very special lady who has been an integral part of Macedonian Ministries since its beginning stages.
Marilyn Eayrs, wife to Trevor Eayrs, Founder and President of Macedonian Ministries, describes her role as one of a Bible teacher, counsellor and mother to both her own children and spiritual children. This servant-hearted woman of God also holds a position of Secretary to the organisation.
After she was saved at age 12, Marilyn began to acquire a love for scripture. Later in life, she studied at the Bible Institute in Cape Town to broaden her knowledge. Marilyn remembers this to be a fruitful time which prepared her well for ministry that was to come.
“I don’t preach, but I am a Bible Teacher at heart,” said Marilyn. “Teaching the Gospel is my first love because the value of scripture was highlighted to me from an early age. In my experience, it’s not just dead information. I enjoy making scripture attractive to people, seeing it come alive.”
Trevor and Marilyn Eayrs founded Macedonian Ministries.
During her years ministering alongside Trevor, Marilyn has been involved in both training and teaching pastors’ wives. Not only does she hold her own ladies’ seminars, she is also an esteemed conference speaker and has spoken at many conferences in South Africa, Africa and abroad. Marilyn has also been very involved in children’s ministry, having created her own curriculum that teaches through the entire Bible in three years.
Beyond her formal ministry, Marilyn is a gifted artist in various disciplines such as wood carving, pottery, sewing and cooking. Being exceptionally creative-minded, she is accustomed to using her resources to make something out of nothing. Macedonian Ministries receives many clothing and food donations, so Marilyn uses her talents to mend and create things to serve others.
“Using creativity to teach the Gospel is very effective. When I teach scripture, I take a theme and develop it. Once we studied the Bread of Life and made bread together. Studying scripture on the Lamb of God inspired a knitting group. I like to go back to the simple Gospel because I find that ladies want Bible knowledge.”
Marilyn encourages young ladies who have a passion to advance the Kingdom of God to join a small group. She believes that being surrounded by Christ-loving women impacts character and develops leadership qualities, even if it’s only a creative group.
Marilyn teaching at a women’s seminar in the Seychelles.
“I have no desire to vie for a pulpit because I’m a leader in my own way. I’d far rather use the gifts that I’ve been blessed with in service to the Lord. We don’t need to compete with others in church settings – there’s more life to be found in simply celebrating who God created us to be and letting that give us direction.”