Senekal Baptist Church

A recent visit to this congregation in the Free State was most encouraging, for a number of reasons. Firstly, the very cold weather could not deter the congregation from attending the Lord’s day of worship, in spite of the fact that they had to walk to the church. Secondly, God blessed the service…preaching to these warm-hearted folk was delightful. Praise God. Thirdly, we had the joy of delivering about 200 warm winter garments, specifically hand knitted for this congregation by ladies in our Durban churches. Fourthly, Mally had the joy of teaching the Sunday School children. Fifthly, we were privileged to interview a student from neighbouring Lesotho, who has applied for funding from Macedonian Ministries Theological Foundation, to further his studies in preparation for the full time Christian Ministry. Praise God with us for ALL that He is doing to advance His Kingdom through the ministry of Senekal Baptist Church.


Zululand-14 Church Tour in 56 hours


Nompendulu Baptist Church