Global Evangelization
“Coming alongside” in an effort to effectively share the Gospel
Above: The Baptist Pastors Fraternal of Phuthaditjhaba. Macedonian Ministries partners with five churches Phuthaditjhaba where they are continually building relationships with the local pastors.
Nowadays it can be a challenge to discern which Public Benefit Organisations (PBO) to support since there are an overwhelming number of charities in support of a plethora of causes. It’s helpful to gain insight regarding an organisation’s core values as this enables one to make an informed decision should you feel the nudge to become one of their supporters.
Macedonian Ministries is a registered PBO, yet formalities don’t determine the passion that runs through their veins. At the core of their DNA, the organisation has a heart to see unconverted people brought into the Family of God. For this reason, one of their primary goals is sharing the Gospel of Salvation found in Jesus Christ with as many as possible in all the regions where they are privileged to minster.
“I believe our responsibility as a missionary organisation should be the proclamation of the Gospel among ALL people to the ends of the earth,” said Trevor Eayrs, Founder and President of Macedonian Ministries. “The model that we’ve chosen as a vehicle to reach people rests on the solid foundation of Biblical Evangelism.”
Firstly, our passion to share Christ with others is inspired by the Great Commission of Jesus Christ (Matthew 28:16-20). In other words, our hearts having been changed by Christ are consequently also driven by His commission for us to intentionally seek opportunities everywhere to tell others about Jesus the only Saviour of mankind.
Secondly this commission instructs us to help grow converts to a new level of spirituality where they, actually by choice, desire to be His followers and emulate his example in all matters of faith and conduct. This requires teaching and training, a process which invariably results in some followers becoming leaders and churches being planted.
The third step in our model is for these newly planted churches to grow to maturity and eventually reach the point where they become self-sustainable. This usually necessitates the construction of their own church and enjoying the shepherding care of their own Pastor.
The final step is assisting the church to replicate this whole process, by sharing the Gospel in such an effective manner that a new church is spawned and planted in their region.
In addition, Trevor explained that Macedonian Ministries endeavours to assist those who are in need through its compassionate ministries. We believe in a wholistic Gospel, one that addresses spiritual needs as well as those which are physical, emotional. “If anyone has this world’s goods and sees his brother in need, yet closes his heart against him, how does God’s love abide in him? Little children let us not love in word or talk but in-deed and in truth.” (1 John 3:17). Some of the compassionate ministries which we value as open doors for us to portray and tell the Gospel story are, subsistence farming, medical care, children’s outreach, disaster relief and humanitarian aid.
In all of this, “Building relationships with those whom we are trying to impact with the Gospel is pursued in many different forms and becomes the bedrock upon which ministry either stands or collapses. We try to follow the example of Jesus Christ who was Incarnational is His approach – if Christ came to live among people as the incarnation of God on the earth, we too should display the nature and love of Christ as a living example to those who are coming into the faith,” said Trevor.
It can take between three to five years for this journey to reach its intended goal. At this point we intentionally collaborate with the church leadership seeking by agreement to change our role from that of church planter to one of partners together. Hence Macedonian Ministries’ missional statement, (Acts 16:9) “come over and help us.” This supportive role is always there for churches to depend on as needs arise.