Glenwood Baptist Community Church

This inner city church is situated in Durban where it endeavours to meet the spiritual needs of the multicultural society reflected in the demographics of its neighbourhood. I was privileged to preach there on Resurrection Sunday at their morning worship service.

The church, including the upstairs gallery, was full. Praise and worship, which intentionally focused on the "Empty Tomb", inspired a sense of the presence of our RISEN LORD JESUS CHRIST. Praise God.

The message from God's Word, 1 Cor 15, which emphasises the essential need for us to defend the Doctrine of the Resurrection of Christ from the grave, was the means of edification and inspiration. Praise God.

Please pray for this congregation as they seek to impact their inner city community with the Gospel.

Trevor and Mally Eayrs

Mylene Paynter

South African, traveling between Stellenbosch, South Africa and Cornelius, NC, USA.


Nompendulu Baptist Church


Smyrna Baptist Church on Resurrection Sunday