This is where a tornado caused devastation in June 2024. The infrastructure was smashed, homes were destroyed, and the community was reduced to misery. Many had lost everything and were housed in public halls. Our local Baptist Church was reduced to a pile of rubble - see pic.

Disaster relief - Phase One provided food and clothing, Phase Two helped to repair the broken homes, and Phase Three was the wish to rebuild the Baptist Church.

Last Wednesday, we were overjoyed to visit and distribute Bibles, Study Bibles (for leaders), and Gospels of John to members and adherents of the church. Homes in the community are small so we gathered for the first time in the HALF BUILT new Baptist Church - see pic.

We spent time in the Word, acknowledging and praising God for His bountiful and faithful goodness.

The Bibles and Gospels were distributed to those present and for others who could not make it.

The walls are up, the floor is in…please pray for a speedy completion of this project, and that the new church will be a beacon of Gospel Light in a very needy community.
