We have just completed teaching an introductory exegesis course on Genesis to 15 rural/remote Maasai pastors from three regions in the Rift Valley.

This was done in English from our English introductory commentary by interpretation into Swahili. At times we also used Maa, the language of the Maasai people, and their Maa Bible.

In an amazing display of His Sovereignty, God through the power of the Holy Spirit opened the ears, eyes, and minds of these pastors, enabling them to grasp both the narrative and Biblical Theology of Genesis.

This confirms the central theme of Genesis, which reveals that He is a God who speaks (And God said...) with power and clarity bringing illumination and edification to those who listen and His Creation into existence. Praise God.

The students wrote their exam today. It was printed in English and Swahili. AI helped us! Questions required one word answers, true or false answers or were multiple choice questions.

One student was questioned orally because he could not read or write Swahili or English. He managed because the oral tradition is still strongly entrenched in the Maasai culture.

With us, Praise God for His abundant provision of all things needed during this training and PLEASE PRAY FOR THESE WONDERFUL SERVANTS OF GOD, who faithfully labour under difficult circumstances.

The teaching facilities

This resource centre is in the low lying area of the Rift Valley, near Mgadigadi soda flats.

The locals are very dependant on these “Jerusalem’ pack donkeys, for transport of cargo and water

The pastors in session

The kitchen and its energy source

The vegetable and salad bar

Joyful in service of others

The bakery

The final product…a most tasty dinner

God’s Rift Valley Team

Trent being “baptised” in the Maasai family

Joyful together for His Glory.

Please join us in thanksgiving to God for His bountiful blessings.


