Bringing warmth in winter for the Six-Church Tour

With winter at its peak in June, the Macedonian Ministries team of Rev Trevor Eayrs and his wife, Mally had the joy of visiting six Sotho churches located at high elevation in southern Africa where snow covers most of the mountain tops during winter in June.

“In the wonderful providence of God, we had thousands of garments from our local churches for distribution,” said Trevor. “Included were large numbers of beanies, jerseys and jackets for the icy winter cold.

At the Pastor's workshop, each received a number of theological research books for their library as well.

“Ministry in the Word of God was most inspirational and edifying. Praise God for His written word – the Bread of Life, which always sustains and satisfies hungry hearts.

Please continue to pray for Senekal, Bluegum Bush, Calvary, New Hope, Makong and Letshalamdke Baptist Churches.

Thank you to all those who donated.

Mylene Paynter

South African, traveling between Stellenbosch, South Africa and Cornelius, NC, USA.


Rest in Peace, Pastor Matusse


Spiritual Fathers in a Fatherless Nation