A Christlike response to unrest in KwaZulu-Natal
The recent unrest, violence and looting in KwaZulu-Natal has taken its toll on many citizens, spreading widespread angst, despair and hunger in its wake. In some areas, the overall safety of neighbourhoods was compromised, and citizens were faced with out of the ordinary challenges.
On the frontlines, Macedonian Ministries is alleviating some of the felt pressures caused by the ripple effects of the violence and immense damage to property. The Public Benefit Organisation’s (PBO) first response was to reach out to those who had been most affected in their immediate vicinity.
Operating out of Pietermaritzburg, Macedonian Ministries’ humanitarian aid and ministry teams were eyewitnesses to many horrors brought on by the unrest. According to Mark Wilby, the PBO’s Director of Humanitarian Aid, there was widespread destruction of shops, including malls and larger retail outlets, across Pietermaritzburg, Howick and the Midlands.
“It’s very sad to see the extent of the damage to property. Many people have lost their jobs and primary sources of income. It takes time for a community to get back on their feet, and we’re doing what we can to speed up that process,” Mark explained.
Macedonian Ministries was quick off the mark to make their resources available and to provide humanitarian aid in the form of groceries and clothing. Many of their partnering churches and fellow Christians were left stranded and unable to access food sources.
Some Christian communities in the area, including the Howick and Hilton Baptist churches, generously donated food supplies. Even those Believers who were far from the areas of destruction contributed commodities. A family from Kimberly drove to Pietermaritzburg with the urgent intent to deliver relief parcels on behalf of the Kimberly Baptist Church.
Pr Trevor Eayrs dropping off relief parcels in and around PMB.
“We are overwhelmed by the support and efforts of our fellow Believers. As an organisation, we are seeking to fulfil the marks of a Christlike character by the Grace of God. This includes helping where we can with relief parcels. We’re trusting that this display of Christ-likeness will point people to the Saviour of Mankind,” said Trevor Eayrs, Founder and President of Macedonian Ministries.
The fellowship and generosity of the saints have been evident during this time, and there have been many accounts of the Goodness of God throughout the devastation. Seeing communities unite and help one another, regardless of faith, ethnicity or economic circumstances, brings hope to the South African nation.
“What the enemy intended for evil, God has turned around for our good. We’re praying with those who are fearful and we point them to Christ, the only one who can bring lasting peace. The balm for such situations is to share the Good News of the Gospel. Right now, people are looking for someone to comfort them and restore their trust, and Jesus is that person,” said Mark.