Posted on: THURSDAY, MARCH 2, 2017 3:26 PM
The Macedonian Ministries Team in SA, wish all our friends, partners, donors and fellow workers God’s richest blessings during 2017. We have started the year with appreciation for the many blessings experienced over the past six months, and by way of report share some of these with you.
Eastern Cape
Ministry Team
School Ministry
The ten-day evangelistic tour, which focused on high school learners and young adults in the Kentani/Cebe region, revealed an open mind to the Gospel. Three thousand Gospels of John where warmly received in schools which allowed us brief periods of ministry to share in song, testimony and from God’s Word. We used these opportunities to advertise youth outreaches at which the Jesus Film was screened. Hundreds attended, approximately eighty publicly chose to seek the Lord Jesus Christ in Salvation.
Our wish is for God to raise up a Youth Director who would be willing to focus his entire ministry on reaching out to the young people of this region.
Trevor, Mark and Troyden bringing Christmas cheer to Pastor Peterson in Pongola
Troyden enjoying being “Father Christmas” with the children in Zululand
This region is still in the grip of a severe drought, which has serious implications for life and ministry. However, it must be said that the cluster of ten churches planted in recent years, are living in the victory found only in Jesus Christ. His wonderful providence has brought about a unity, fortitude and fellowship which, constantly enables these Christians to live triumphantly. They are truly “shining lights” of God’s goodness and Grace to their communities. Two visits over the past six months afforded many opportunities to for multiple ministries to take place. These times of evangelism, Theological training, encouragement and edification in the Word will long be remembered for the enriching benefits which they brought to these churches.
Please join us in prayer for copious rains to fall on Zululand.
Receiving goods
Singing praises
The Southern Province of this country still struggles to break out of the grip of poverty. Few natural resources, poor infrastructure together with inherent social evils, make life a constant struggle to survive. Our compassionate ministries which endeavour to compliment the Gospel Initiative in Church Planting and development is gratefully received. We wish that we could do more! Thank you to those donors who make provision of Food, clothing, seed and medicine available for the needy people.
The significant development over the past six months has been the emergence of a younger generation of leaders, who are passionate about working together as team, in an effort; by God’s grace, to impact this region better through the Ministry of the Gospel.
Our hearts abound with great joy, found in presenting the whole Gospel to all the many different ethnicities to whom God has called us to minister. It is most blessed to see Him constantly transforming lives through the power of the unchanging Gospel. Our Lord Jesus Christ is still on the throne and building His church. Praise God. AND thank you for the privilege of representing you, and our King, on the Mission Field which is still “White unto harvest”.
May God keep us Faithful, until the harvest is complete.
Prayer Requests
Health, strength and protection for the task ahead.
Faithfulness to the Great Commission of Christ....we do not wish to be side tracked!
Pastors and Church planters who struggle financially.
God bless you all for your continued support in ministry in South Africa.