Posted on: MONDAY, OCTOBER 12, 2015 07:47 AM
Mally and I once again had the joy of joining a team from Bayleaf Baptist Church on a mission trip to Kenya. Our assignment was to train Pastors and Pastors’ wives in Biblical Theology. This is always a special privilege which we grasp enthusiastically. Over the years we have developed very meaningful relationships with Pastoral couples in Kenya. The reunion with many of them was delightful. We were most encouraged to see how these couples are growing in the Lord and showing great perseverance in the ministry, which at times is exceedingly difficult for most of them. In these difficult times the bio-vocational option has been embraced, for most, as the only way forward.
Alongside of teaching and training, there are always opportunities to Minister generally in churches and at other special gatherings. We praise God that He came up for us. Using His Word to bring Souls to Salvation and some Christian young people to hear and respond to His call upon their lives to follow Him all the days of their lives; maybe into full-time Christian Service. Please pray for these young people.
Significant time was spent in consultation with the South Rift Baptist Regional Leaders, over the possibility of establishing a regional Bible School for the majority of Maasai pastors who have little or no Theological Education. Please pray with us.
If you would like to be a part of this initiative, at ANY level, please feel free to contact us. It’s a huge undertaking which will need the resources and enthusiastic involvement of a large committed team to make it happen.
Maasai friends have found a special place in our hearts.
Plenary session at Conference in Matuu.
Mally teaching women.
Trevor teaching Pastors.
Marriage seminar from Book of Ruth for Pastors and their wives.
Gifts: Shirts and ties for Pastors.
Carpentry tools for Pastor Benson who is a bio-vocational furniture manufacturer.