Posted on: TUESDAY, OCTOBER 20, 2009 08:30 AM
We received a team under the leadership of Pastor Jimmy Pulley from the USA, to visit the Lusikisiki Circuit in Pondoland, Port St Johns – South Africa.
Pastor Jimmy preaching the word at Ngobeni church.
Clothing parcels were distributed to various congregations.
A celebration service was held at Mgugwane church.
Pastor Xhoko and his wife were our host leaders for this circuit of churches.
Annette shared the gospel to children.
Glendora Chipman was an inspiration to all as she shared her triumph in Christ over the tragic death of her husband, Otis. The Mgugwane church stands as a tribute to Otis’ ministry.
A traditional meal was prepared by the ladies of Louqueni, which was shared in Pastors Xhoko’s new manse.
The team ministered the gospel at the Christian School in Port St Johns.
Those with health problems received medicine from ‘Sister’ Georgeanna.
PRAISE THE LORD for this time to share His love and wonderful Gospel with so many.